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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One Day, No Shoes

"One Day Without Shoes" 
organized by TOMS Shoes

Warm smooth dirt, hot rough pavement,  soft green grass, cool slick tile... These are the sensations you feel when walking around without shoes. Each year, thousands of people step together in an event known as "One Day Without Shoes" to raise awareness... awareness of those who experience those sensations every day of their lives. 

TOMS Shoes, a company started by the generosity of one man, has given the world an opportunity to give to others. For every pair of shoes purchased through TOMS, one pair will be given to a child living without them. I have personally experienced the joy associated with the One For One movement. Because I wear these shoes, 3 other less fortunate children now get to wear shoes as well.  

I enjoy designing all of the TOMS that I purchase. Posted below are photos of the ones I own. Like I wrote on my very first pair... Go ahead- "Walk In My Shoes." 

Pair #3

Pair #2
Pair #1
I strongly support TOMS Shoes and its cause. The problem it addresses is one that is often overlooked, and the method by which it responds is simply effective. I do not request that everyone reading these words go out and purchase a pair of  TOMS. This is just one of the steps that I have taken to make the world a better place. If everyone took the same steps, we wouldn't cover all of the ground involved in edifying today's society. All I request that you take your next step in the right direction. One step will lead to another. It always has.

What will your footprint reveal about you???

1 comment:

  1. I probably would qualify as an advocate for TOMS, since I go barefoot almost all the time and have purchased several pair of TOMS. The TOMS movement made national news tonite.


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