In case you didn’t notice, I have been gone… away… nowhere to be found… well, online at least.
But don’t worry!!!
I’m Back. You can stop sobbing now.
(Really, please stop. You look ridiculous)
For my avid readers out there, I suppose I owe you an explanation. I have a few reasons for not updating my blogs. Those reasons will follow this lovely photo that I captured while at the beach!
(The post needed at least some color lol)
First of all, I did something that I swore not do do- I put a deadline and an expectation on the contents/post dates of my blog. I specifically outline within the details of Eyes and Ears that I wouldn’t do that. I had to release myself from those chains, so I did! I chose to completely disregard and neglect the deadlines that I had so stupidly created for myself.
Second of all, I set out to prove a notion. This notion was that I was not dependent on my blogging life. I deactivated my Facebook account because it took up too much of my life, and it was counterproductive (for me). I didn’t need it to live my life and be happy. I wanted to prove the same thing with regards to Blogger and WordPress. I was successful and did what I set out to do. I now know that I can live without blogging and that I am not addicted to it.
Thirdly, I did not have access to my personal computer. It was damaged beyond repair and I desperately needed a new computer. Could I have updated my blogs with another computer? Absolutely. I somehow felt awkward about doing this though. It is almost like I would be cheating on my old computer, or that I was sharing something private and intimate with some foreign hard drive. It just didn’t seem right…. But now I have a new love: my darling Macey Macintosh. BTW I’m stroking her trackpad right now. She loves it when I push her buttons… hehe
We make a lovely couple. Power, Performance, Personality, and Prowess- all wonderfully joined in technological harmony.
Well anywho… I have explained myself enough. Now back to the fun. Look for EXPERIMENT #2 of Can YOU Judge A Book By Its Cover coming within the next day, or two, or 10. HAHA I crack myself up! Nah but seriously, I should have it posted by tomorrow sometime.
It is good to be back. I missed you guys! I really did.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of reading and writing to do…
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