Whatever happens to be on my mind... thoughts, memories, desires, moments captured. Unrestricted by criteria, deadlines, expectations, or requests.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

First Shots With Canon T50

Ok, so I went out and bought some film for my new old Canon T50 SLR. I decided that it would be cool to just shoot B&W shots, although I tried color and they turned out great. Something just feels natural about shooting B&W with a film camera.
My first roll was a test roll, I was more focused on checking the settings and how my own aperture settings compared to the automatic settings. To my delight, all of the photos that I shot came out better with my settings than they did with automatic settings. Check them out below!
*The first shots of each image were taken with my own settings and the second is with automatic settings*
Let me know what you think! (keep in mind, this was a test roll- the content wasn’t all that important to me)
There are more photos, but it takes forever to upload them manually so that they stay in order. I got tired of uploading them. The majority of the others are landscape photos.
You get the picture. ;)
Love yall,


  1. that bird looks so intense! The one with the thermometer is waaay better with your settings, even though the automatic settings give it an 'old-days-photograph' feel, so if you were photographing an antique clock or something of the sort in that light with the automatic settings it would give it more of an edge.

    the first profile of the angel statue is far better and the same goes for the plaque (? is it a plaque? words!). the last two look pretty much the same to me, maybe it is my untrained eye.

    Anyways, it's good work! (i know nothing AT ALL about photography, so my praise is not worth much, still when you are a photographer a good chunk of your 'audience' will be ignorant in the field no? so there, i feel a little entitled to give my opinion :-) )


  2. @Antonella- Haha the bird is actually fake which is cool. I suppose it did its job ;) I suppose you could call that a plaque. That is one of the words that could work for that image. Most people would probably just call it a sign. Your description is more specific.

    The only difference between the two bottom photos is the amount of detail shown in the edges of the angel. The first one is more detailed, where as the last is somewhat blown out.

    Regardless of your knowledge of photography, you can still tell which images are better or more aesthetically pleasing. I take non-photographer comments just as seriously as comments from professionals.



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