Whatever happens to be on my mind... thoughts, memories, desires, moments captured. Unrestricted by criteria, deadlines, expectations, or requests.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

A New Approach

A friend of mine, aka Brittney, recently recommended that I try a few new things with my photography. First off, she said that I should start posting my RAW images that are unedited. Secondly, she said that I should try new perspectives.
I thought I’d try both… posting RAW images alone will force me to get better exposures the first time, making editing easier in the long run. I also plan on carrying around my camera wherever I go. I want to begin taking photos in every location that I find myself, thereby increasing my skill with choosing manual settings in the moment. I mostly won’t be as concerned with what  I am taking photos of as much as how I am taking the photo. I am sure this will make me take some unusual shots with new perspectives. The goal is to take a photo as soon as I remember to do so, without choice of a perfect model or object to shoot.
I came upon this really cool VW on the way home and I decided to stop and get some shots. I got some with my T50 as well, but those haven’t been developed. Here is what I took with my Nikon-
(There’s a pretty flower for you too… Oh! Just FYI- these are in compressed jpeg because NEF images are too large to be uploaded on this blog)
As always, feedback is appreciated! Don’t tell me about the third shot which is under-exposed. I can see that ;) I thought it was still a cool image which is salvageable if I bump up the exposure and lift some of the shadows. With clouds at sunset it was hard to get the white balance right so that the sky wasn’t super blown out and to maintain the color in the surroundings. Oh well!
I like this. It’s fun to publish my mistakes. Hope it is encouraging to you to know that not all photography blogs are perfect or great at all times.

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