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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

But honey, you're too old to...

Yesterday I had the privilege of accompanying my step-dad to one of his tennis matches. He plays in a 50 and over league, and just barely squeaked by the age limit. He just so happened to be 50 by the time the season rolled around, so he was able to meet the requirements.
I had planned on going and just taking pictures of the matches so that I could add them to my portfolio for athletics. I was able to get a few good action shots.

 So, I got my shots… but thats not all! I got intrigued and inspired.  These men and women were out there putting everything they had into winning each point. They weren’t worried about their bum knee (which one guy had), or their arthritis, or their high blood pressure. They went hard in the paint!
These people were over 50! Heck, there was a mother and daughter playing in the same league! (thats the one in the photo above [mom] and the one with the green skirt [daughter]). I was just amazed at how well this group of people moved around the court and how little their age meant when it came to playing the game. Now sure, after each game and set they were complaining all over the place, but only to their teammates.
It just got me thinking:
1. Will I be active enough to still be able to play sports when I’m their age? Half of them could have beaten me!
2. What kind of age limitations do I put on myself without even thinking about it? I’d like to think of myself as someone who doesn’t really care what other people think of my age, but I’m not sure what I’d like to think and what I actually think line up.

Moral of the story: Never limit yourself based on age. (well except for clothing… nothing’s worse than seeing an old lady walking around in a mini-skirt or a belly shirt) LOL

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