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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Save the Storks!!!

Hello kind world! Are you interested in photography? Are you interested in the Pro-Life movement? Are you interested in both?
Well here is your chance to do something about it!
 The Save the Storks team is group of individuals dedicated to meeting the needs of pregnant women by compassionately educating them about their pregnancy. Initially, it is the offer of a free sonogram that draws women to the Stork bus. However, at the end of the day, it is the love and attention of highly trained counselors who are walking with women towards a brighter future that makes a lasting impact. Women walk away from the Stork bus feeling loved, hopeful, and reassured they have the strength and resources to give a new child life.
Brittney Julian, a student photographer at Union University, is attempting to raise money for Save the Storks. She will be hosting an event that will display student photography (including some of my own work) and raise funds for Save the Storks. Each photo will be on sale, and all of the proceeds will go towards Save the Storks and their mission.
Here is where you guys come in. In order to host a show, we need money to print, frame, and pay for other expenses. As college kids, we don’t have any money, so this show happening all depends on how much support we can get.
If you want to help or find out more about the event,  please follow this link. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/568307763/selling-photography-to-save-the-storks?ref=live
We only have a few days left to raise the rest of the money, if we don’t meet the deadlines we lose all of the money. If you can’t help finically please help by spreading the word. Reblog or repost… Do whatever you feel necessary. We would love to make this event a success, but we need your help!!!
-Skylar Macrae

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this project. Can't help myself but must get involved. What a wonderful idea. Looking forward to seeing your photo's supporting this cause.


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